The Five Islands


Based in Wollongong, Battlecry Five Islands operates fortnightly battle-games on Saturday afternoon on the open field of Stuart Park. Below is the core information about Five Islands, as well as some helpful links for people wanting to know more about what happens at the chapter.


The Venue, Time & Dates

Five Islands operates every second Saturday (barring major event clashes) from 11:30am until 4:00pm on Stuart Park, Wollongong, on George Hanley Drive. The field is situated in the middle of the grass space behind the Skydive Sydney Wollongong centre. There are public toilets and parking both on and off-street.  

Typical Event Schedule

Below is a rundown schedule of the typical event:
1:00pm – Sign in Opens
1:10pm – New Player Training Begins
1:10pm – Returning playing warm up/ weapons training begins
1:25pm – Game #1 Briefing
1:30pm – Game #1 Starts
2:00pm – Break Start
2:10pm – Game #2 Briefing
2:15pm – Game #2 Starts
2:45pm – Break Start
3:15pm – Game #3 Briefing
3:20pm – Game #3 Starts
3:50pm – END


Events are typically announced, altered or cancelled via Facebook announcement on our page.

New Player Information

New players to Five Islands do not need any costume, weapons, equipment or knowledge of the game in order to attend. You can simply turn up and join in. 

When you arrive at the field, you will need to complete the signup process, then you will be given a weapon - and taken through an orientation process, in which we train you on the rules, the basics of how the game functions, and how to use the weapon you were given. 

After training, you'll typically have three rounds of exciting combat - with drink breaks and social time between rounds. It's lots of fun, you'll love it.

If you need more information, or have any questions, you can contact the Five Islands team Here.


Battlecry Five Islands  takes place in the plain of Alenthia. The world is a high fantasy pre-gunpowder fantasy setting. Players represent members of one of the five islands each fighting for a variety of reasons. The battlegames take place in points of history, told in a non-linear path. The archiver, who records the stories and history of Alenthia, is slowly retelling the stories of the world and how one island came to be five.